Hey; This small corner works as my RP OCs' & muses' Archive, their information, RP info, contact & other stuff related to it.The Characters you'll see here, are the ones that I'm currently RP with, only. If you would like to know some of my other OCs, click HERE! (WIP)

⋟ MY OCs & MUSES; ⋞

Please, click the images to go to their respective sheets for more information about them (story, extra details, headcanons...) & their RP rules (shipping, +18 content...)
My Characters are always under development. I encourage you to keep an eye from time to time to see if there was something new added. All their info & drawings will be updated from time to time as time & RPs advance.

❗ My OC's & Art are NOT free to use. ❗
❗ DO NOT use/repost/alter/trace/sell, etc my Art or my Characters. ❗

── NOTES REGGARDING MY OCs:── On Headcanons: Please, do NOT steal/copy my Headcanons. I've worked on them to make a portrayal distinct, to build their stories. I'm including here my OCs & my own Lahabrea, yes.── If you want to draw any of them, (first of all, THANK YOU), important to respect my characters' personalities & designs! Gore, macabre or dark stuff is always a giant yes. &, of course, SHOW ME the result! I'd love to see it & save it for myself. 🖤── What about an Art Trade? I could be open to that, however, please, read my "Art Trades" rules HERE under "Commissions related, Art Trades, etc", before asking me for it to know how I work with them.Please, do not forget they're still my Characters so making or commissioning artwork using their likeness doesn't give you any rights to my Characters whatsoever. Unless you are the artist of said gift art yourself or your Character is in said piece as well as mine, do not repost said images. Last but not less important here, please, do not forget to credit me as the owner of the Character/s & do not claim them as your own.




Full Name: Vylkmedai (Vylk)
Real Name: Vhyperos
Age: 4600
Height: 9'18ft (280cm)
Gender: Male
Race: Devil. | Demigod
Creature type: Fiend (Devil, Infernal)
Background: -
Alignment: 40% Lawful Evil / 60% Chaotic Evil
Class: -
Subclass: -


Vylk is serious, ruthless and cunning, but also playful and mischievous. He can be charming and even flirts sometimes to get what he wants. He is good at manipulation & deception. He seeks to ensure that those he talks with will provide something useful or valuable to him. On the other hand, he can be spontaneous and unpredictable.He has a very romantic side, too, especially with gestures and words. It's a little more difficult for this side to show up, but it's there.His Chaotic side gives him a more toxic attitude; he can be very possessive and obsessive, and easy to feel extremely jealous. From time to time he can have bouts of anger and rage which can make him act more on his instincts.

⊱ BACKSTORY; (Still in construction)

Vylk was born from the blood of Asmodeus (Serpent), in Nessus. Asmodeus created him to be an almost perfect replica of Him. A way to travel to other planes without using Avatars, and to further his goals there.During his teen years, - before Asmodeus ascended to Godhood, the Concubi that inhabited Nessus or Hells, were purely Chaotic Evil -, Vylk were surrounded by these creatures of the Abyss who practised activities of pleasure with them (or simply getting near their presence) which caused him to slowly take some Chaotic features during these moments of weakness, in special from the Incubus that many centuries later, would be known as Haarlep. They both had frequent encounters, the Prince getting obsessed and, shortly after, falling in love with him, becoming both lovers. That made Haarlep's Demon essence and influence affect him faster, turning the Devil partially Chaotic.This resulted in Vylk's personality coming out of a mix of Lawful and Chaotic nature, to be a Devil. This Chaotic nature ended up taking its toll on him partially, breaking his psyche. It was something not tolerated, especially being the Prince of the Nine Hells and the Spawn & Heir of Asmodeus Himself.The God-Archdevil was so disappointed for that chaotic part of his son that commended his personal Incubus Zepar to try to fix him, without satisfactory results. The King of the Nine Hells decided to punish his heir, then, since Vylk -who he was -, was violating an important rule of Baator. He summoned his Nessian Guard to fight him and to do with him whatever they wanted, for days and nights. Vylk was very powerful, and he managed to defend himself against those attacks for several days. However, with time he ended up becoming exhausted, & the Nessian Guard finally reached him toring off his wings.Still unsatisfied, Asmodeus decided to exile him from Nessus. Vylk was charged to learn from the mistakes, to try to control that Chaotic nature that arrived to stay and try to make big things in the name of his Father. Then, the Prince would be forgiven, go back to Nessus, & he would have his wings again.


Vylk possesses some of his father's powers. His unique & the main one, however, is control over blood. Vylk can use blood at will to attack or defend himself. To do this, Vylk wounds himself to access his own blood, creating anything with it; whips, spears, chains... Obviously, if he loses a lot of blood, then he will need to recover.He also has the power to create false illusions of anything. From minimal changes on his body to big illusions like scenes. He takes others to his mind & plays with them inside, as if it were a dream or a nightmare.He can manipulate fire and darkness and has excellent dark vision, between others.Vylk also possesses a flaming Axe that summons at his own will.


✦ When he gets angry, his eyes start to darken until they become completely black.
✦ Despite his real height (9,18ft (280cm)), it can be changed to match the RP setting better.
✦ Vylkmedai is a word playing I created for him that on purpose means "Envoy of Asmodeus."
✦ Despite the past bad events with his Father, he is VERY loyal to him.
✦ His personal Mentor and Incubus, Zepar, -however- did not affect to the Prince's alignment. Zepar was a traitor to the Abyss, so he tried to adapt himself to Lawful Evil.
✦ Asmodeus possess him sometimes. Possesed or not, the Archdevil looks through his eyes.
✦ He has an obsession towards Concubi.



── Vylk's RP account is -> CLICK KERE <-
── This is the base story of Vylk. From this, several AUs have been created for different plots & partners.


── Vylk is available for multi ship. Ships go in their own little AU (unless stated otherwise).
── Due to the story, the canon ship / main ship for Vylk is Haarlep, however, I'm open for any other Characters, it doesn't mind if it's a NPC or an OC.
── Ships & Smut comes with chemistry. It is required to develop some sort of relationship between them. DM me if you're interested in a possible shipping.
── Vylk can show himself possessive & obsessive if your muse calls enough of his attention. This can evolve into a relationship, or not; it will depend on many factors, and again, in a slow burn.


── If there's something in particular you would like to do with him, do not hesitate to ask me in private. I'm open to write such types of themes; erotic, sexual, gore & dark themes in general. I've been writing scenes with that content for many years & I do not have any problem writing them. However, I'll not make further advances until the other person is comfortable doing it, & if there is somehow a NSFW probability during our writing, it must be agreed to between the muns. It will only be done in private via DMs or Discord.
── Due to Vylk's story, please, consider his Twitter RP account NSFW. Gore, cannibalism, violence & dark themes in general, or drawings of that kind. They will be present. These themes will be tagged as needed but, please, keep this in mind.
── I do love dark & bloody themes, like, a LOT. I do not have any problem roleplaying them. I'm also okay with exploring things that may be uncomfortable or triggering for some. Let me know if some themes would make you feel uncomfortable to not use them with your muse. Needless to say that IRL I condemn any immoral acts of any kind. I only like to write them, but it's ONLY literature to me.


⊱ 𝗣 𝗟 𝗢 𝗧 𝗧 𝗜 𝗡 𝗚;
My DMs are OPEN for mutuals in special at all times for casual conversation and especially plotting, at length details are preferred.
Do not be afraid to hit me up at any time; You can @ me, QT me, write something in comments under my posts in-character, etc. It doesn't matter if we never interacted before.
I do not like to follow 100% the official game lore, so it's possible that sometimes I break some official ideas from it or don't follow them.Also, multiverse friendly! Also as long as I can figure out how to make it work.⊱ 𝗪 𝗥 𝗜 𝗧 𝗜 𝗡 𝗚;
I'm a flexible writer and I can write one-liners or long-form writing. Banter is okay. I will mirror replies, however it will depend.
My RP style is: Mostly IC in all of my RP blogs. || is OOC. [ ] for mun comments. I can use ( ) rarely, too.English is not my main language. Please, bear with me. This can make me reply slowly due to taking advantage of learning from this and my several revisions to make sure everything makes sense. Do not hesitate to DM me if I said something weird, to avoid possible confusions or misunderstandings.⊱ 𝗦 𝗛 𝗜 𝗣 𝗣 𝗜 𝗡 𝗚;
My Characters are Multi-Ships; unless stated otherwise. Ships go in their own little AU. They never share the same universe. Again, unless stated otherwise. Important to mention that ships are building with time and after several interactions to try to create some chemistry and see if that ship could work. Each character has their own personality, interests, etc, so be sure about reading their information first!
⊱ +𝟭𝟴 𝗧 𝗛 𝗘 𝗠 𝗘 𝗦;
Muse & writer are +18. I only accept RP from +18 people. No minors allowed.
DMs or Discord are OPEN to +18 interactions like anything sexual, extremely dark or gore, just to keep limits, triggers and everything in the clear so no confusion or hurt is caused. In any case, all my accounts are strictly +18, and despite extreme themes would be practice in private, it's possible that any sexual scene is written publicly; think twice about following me.⊱ 𝗔 𝗖 𝗧 𝗜 𝗩 𝗜 𝗧 𝗬;
While I am normally active most time of the day (I work at home), my schedule is erratic and sometimes when I intend to reply, I suddenly have to disappear for a time. Please, do not see this as ignoring you. I will reply to you back as soon as possible. My art job & personal stuff are always my priority.
⊱ 𝗖 𝗢 𝗠 𝗠 𝗨 𝗡 𝗜 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 𝗜 𝗢 𝗡;
Communication is key and at any time if we have ever written or talked, my DMs are always open. If at any time any limits in your comfort zone change or you just want to change something, please, let me know. I can adjust.
On the other hand; As I get many interactions during the day, apart from other stuff, if I do not respond please feel free to ping me again. I am very easily distracted. Do not hesitate to reach out.⊱ 𝗠 𝗔 𝗜 𝗡 𝗦;
Mains are selected based on Character & Writer chemistry, if we're plotted a few times and/or generally have good vibes together, or if your character is planned to be important to mine and vice-versa. Being a main means more randomly @, Qrt posts, etc.